by Editor | Jun 25, 2018 | Articles, Writer to Writer, Writing Process
Several years after I converted from Judaism to Christianity, I began the practice of journaling. While rigorous and punishing, the exercise helped me to overcome psychic dissonance by processing confusing thoughts and emotions. I framed my story as a coherent whole...
by Editor | Apr 26, 2018 | Articles, Guest Contributors
There are no magic numbers, formulas, or words to feel “good enough.” This is one of the great discoveries I’ve made on my writing journey. Great reviews, blog spotlights, and your mother’s highest praise are not enough to push the little whispers of uncertainty from...
by Editor | Mar 13, 2018 | Articles, Book Publishing, Guest Contributors, Writer to Writer
By Lara Lillibridge I’ve had several writers tell me some version of, “I could never deal with people rejecting my book, so I’m going to self-publish.” I’m here to tell you that is the wrong decision. Publishing a book is like riding a bicycle, or it was for...
by Editor | Mar 7, 2018 | Articles, Writer to Writer
By Patricia Keeler A Wannabe I sat on the bed and put my feet up on the bathtub. Something was tapping on the window. But the glass was painted over, so I didn’t know what. I’d made it to the tiny New York apartment of a friend of a friend of a...
by Editor | Feb 26, 2018 | Articles, Guest Contributors, Research, Resources for Writers
By Nina Sadowsky The index cards start in a tidy pile on my desk. As a writing project progresses, the pile of old-school, variously colored cards grows, forming the arc of the story. I assign each chapter a card, using a color-coded system to differentiate character...
by Editor | Feb 16, 2018 | A Bookish Blog, Articles
By Susan Bishop Crispell We all have a picture in our minds of how we envision our lives playing out in the future. The city or state we’ll live in, the person we’re going to marry, the house where we’ll raise our families. But rarely does life work out exactly...