Whispers of a Gypsy: A Supernatural Dark Thriller of Suspense and Horror

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Dwight Skinner is a young boy whose mental challenges give him his “superpowers.” Dwight’s neurodivergence allows him to see people’s auras as colors. But it is Dwight’s pure bloodline that makes him special. When Dwight’s zayde dies, the Skinner’s Romani neighbor Mr. Mortimer enters their life. Mr. Mortimer recognizes Dwight’s vulnerabilities and vows to protect him. But is it Dwight or his pure bloodline that his guardian monster desires most?

Whispers of a Gypsy is the latest novel by J.T. Patten. Patten takes a step away from his usual espionage book and dives into the genera of horror. His background in military intelligence and as a spy novel writer shows as Patten delivers an intense psychological thriller. Jewish and Romani superstitions, mythology, and mysticism combine to create Patten’s characters. The cast of enigmatic personalities and Patten’s use of dark themes set the scene for this tale. But the twists turns, and shadows around every corner give this suspense horror the feeling of dread. As horror novels go, this one will keep you up at night listening for the Whispers of a Gypsy.

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Star Count /5
Format Trade
Page Count
Publisher HELBOUND Productions
Publish Date 15-Nov-2022
ISBN 9798987300510 Buy this Book
Issue February 2023
Category Horror