Mr. Ugly

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When four teens on their way home from a trip come across a stranded stranger, their lives take a horrendous turn for the worse. One of the teens was murdered, two were left in shock, and the fourth became possessed by Mr. Ugly, a sadistic entity that takes over his whole being. Now being pursued by both a powerful psychic and a Fairfield detective, the possessed teen launches onto a path of destruction. The hunters working together will have to sacrifice everything in order to stop this unspeakable evil.

Mr. Ugly is a page-turning supernatural horror from author Benjamin Allocco. This fresh approach combines the possession and slasher genres while also stylized as a crime drama, making it a thrilling read. Allocco’s descriptive prose and agile pacing add to sustaining the overall gory sensation throughout the novel. As the scenes intensify, so does the pace of the book, leaving the reader on the edge of their seat. The main characters’ back stories, including the callous origins and motivations of Allocco’s antagonist, add to the complexity of their competing impulses. Horror fans looking for a new voice look no further than Benjamin Allocco and Mr. Ugly.

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Star Count /5
Format Trade
Page Count
Publisher Black Rose Writing
Publish Date 16-Jun-2022
ISBN 9781684339655 Buy this Book
Issue July 2022
Category Horror