Great Circle: A novel

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How refreshing to read a novel about a strong, fearless woman whose sole ambition is to excel at circumnavigation. The great circle is the large circle of the globe which the aviatrix will attempt to conquer by flying over both the North and South poles. This is a daunting task, but already in her young life, she has survived the sinking of a luxury liner and braved the terrain of rugged Montana. The story switches to the present time wherein an actress will bring that story to the screen. It is quite a feat for an author to switch back and forth in time, but it is done seamlessly in this novel. Not all the chapters have titles; some are dispatches from the aviator heroine, Marian Graves, but others are quite light-hearted, such as Trust Your Lust. The book is full of surprises and is quite well written. It is wonderful to see fully developed ambitious women given a starring role.

This is the third novel by the author.

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Star Count /5
Format Hard
Page Count
Publisher Knopf
Publish Date 04-May-2021
ISBN 9780525656975 Buy this Book
Issue July 2021
Category Humor/Fiction